StrangeIoC  0.6.0
The IoC/Binding Framework for Unity3D and C#
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strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder Class Reference

A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands. More...

Inheritance diagram for strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder:
strange.framework.impl.Binder strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinder strange.extensions.command.api.IPooledCommandBinder strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.ITriggerable strange.framework.api.IBinder strange.framework.api.IBinder strange.extensions.command.impl.EventCommandBinder strange.extensions.command.impl.SignalCommandBinder strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.EventSequencer

Public Member Functions

override IBinding GetRawBinding ()
 Generate an unpopulated IBinding in whatever concrete form the Binder dictates.
virtual void ReactTo (object trigger)
 Trigger a key that unlocks one or more Commands.
virtual void ReactTo (object trigger, object data)
 Trigger a key that unlocks one or more Commands and provide a data injection to that Command.
virtual void Stop (object key)
 Called to halt execution of a currently running command group.
virtual void ReleaseCommand (ICommand command)
 Release a previously retained Command. More...
Pool< T > GetPool< T > ()
 Retrieve the Pool of the specified type.
bool Trigger< T > (object data)
 Cause this ITriggerable to access any provided Key in its Binder by the provided generic and data. More...
bool Trigger (object key, object data)
 Cause this ITriggerable to access any provided Key in its Binder by the provided key and data. More...
new virtual ICommandBinding Bind< T > ()
 Bind a trigger Key by generic Type.
new virtual ICommandBinding Bind (object value)
 Bind a trigger Key by value.
new virtual ICommandBinding GetBinding< T > ()
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from strange.framework.impl.Binder
delegate void BindingResolver (IBinding binding)
 A handler for resolving the nature of a binding during chained commands.
virtual IBinding GetBinding (object key)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided object.
virtual IBinding GetBinding< T > (object name)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Key (generic)/Name combo.
virtual IBinding GetBinding (object key, object name)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Key/Name combo.
virtual void Unbind< T > ()
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key (generic)
virtual void Unbind (object key)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key.
virtual void Unbind< T > (object name)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key (generic) / Name combo.
virtual void Unbind (object key, object name)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key / Name combo.
virtual void Unbind (IBinding binding)
 Remove the provided binding from the Binder.
virtual void RemoveValue (IBinding binding, object value)
 Remove a select value from the given binding.
virtual void RemoveKey (IBinding binding, object key)
 Remove a select key from the given binding.
virtual void RemoveName (IBinding binding, object name)
 Remove a select name from the given binding.
virtual void ResolveBinding (IBinding binding, object key)
 This method places individual Bindings into the bindings Dictionary as part of the resolving process. More...
virtual void OnRemove ()
 The Binder is being removed Override this method to clean up remaining bindings.

Protected Member Functions

void next (ICommandBinding binding, object data, int depth)
virtual void disposeOfSequencedData (object data)
virtual ICommand invokeCommand (Type cmd, ICommandBinding binding, object data, int depth)
virtual ICommand createCommand (object cmd, object data)
ICommand getCommand (Type type)
void trackCommand (ICommand command, ICommandBinding binding)
void executeCommand (ICommand command)
override void resolver (IBinding binding)
 The default handler for resolving bindings during chained commands.
virtual Pool makePoolFromType (Type type)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from strange.framework.impl.Binder
void registerNameConflict (object key, IBinding newBinding, IBinding existingBinding)
 Take note of bindings that are in conflict. More...
bool isConflictCleared (Dictionary< IBinding, object > dict, IBinding binding)
 Returns true if the provided binding and the binding in the dict are no longer conflicting.
void clearConflict (object key, object name, Dictionary< IBinding, object > dict)
T[] spliceValueAt< T > (int splicePos, object[] objectValue)
object[] spliceValueAt (int splicePos, object[] objectValue)
 Remove the item at splicePos from the list objectValue.

Protected Attributes

Dictionary< Type, Poolpools = new Dictionary<Type, Pool> ()
HashSet< ICommandactiveCommands = new HashSet<ICommand>()
 Tracker for parallel commands in progress.
Dictionary< ICommand,
activeSequences = new Dictionary<ICommand, ICommandBinding> ()
 Tracker for sequences in progress.
- Protected Attributes inherited from strange.framework.impl.Binder
Dictionary< object, Dictionary
< object, IBinding > > 
 Dictionary of all bindings Two-layer keys. More...
Dictionary< object, Dictionary
< IBinding, object > > 


IInjectionBinder injectionBinder [get, set]
bool usePooling [get, set]
- Properties inherited from strange.extensions.command.api.IPooledCommandBinder
bool usePooling [get, set]
 Switch to disable pooling for those that don't want to use it.

Detailed Description

A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands.

Commands are where the logic of your application belongs. These Commands typically focus on a single function, such as adding a View, requesting a service, reading from or saving to a model.

The act of binding events to Commands means that code needn't know anything about an event recipient, or even how the event will be used. For example, a Mediator might send out an event that two View objects collided. A Command would then determine that the result of that event was to Destroy both objects, tell a ScoreKeeper model to change the score and request a message be sent to the server. Whether that example means one Command or three is up to your coding preference... CommandBinder can trigger one Command or multiple Commands off the same event.

Note that CommandBinder also features sequencing. By default, CommandBinder fires all Commands in parallel. If your binding specifies InSequence(), commands will run serially, with the option of suspending the chain at any time.

Example bindings:

Bind("someEvent").To<SomeCommand>(); //Works, but poor form to use strings. Use the next example instead

Bind(EventMap.SOME_EVENT).To<SomeCommand>(); //Make it a constant

Bind(ContextEvent.START).To<StartCommand>().Once(); //Destroy the binding immediately after a single use


See Command for details on asynchronous Commands and cancelling sequences.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder.ReleaseCommand ( ICommand  command)

Release a previously retained Command.

By default, a Command is garbage collected at the end of its Execute() method. But the Command can be retained for asynchronous calls.

Implements strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinder.

bool strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder.Trigger ( object  key,
object  data 

Cause this ITriggerable to access any provided Key in its Binder by the provided key and data.

false if the originator should abort dispatch

Implements strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.ITriggerable.

bool strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder.Trigger< T > ( object  data)

Cause this ITriggerable to access any provided Key in its Binder by the provided generic and data.

false if the originator should abort dispatch

Implements strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.ITriggerable.

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