Attribute | |
Construct | The [Construct] attribute marks a preferred Constructor |
Deconstruct | Unsupported |
ImplementedBy | Declares an interface to have an implicit implementor An Implements tag for the given interface overrides this tag |
Implements | Declares a Class to be implicitly bound |
Inject | The [Inject] attribute marks a setter Injection point |
MediatedBy | Declares a View class implicity mediated by one or more named Mediators |
Mediates | Declare a Mediator class implicitly bound to a provided View |
PostConstruct | The [PostConstruct] attribute marks one or more methods as PostConstructors |
strange.extensions.injector.api.CrossContextInjectionBinder | A special version of InjectionBinder that allows shared injections across multiple Contexts |
Exception | |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandException | An exception raised by the Command system |
strange.extensions.context.impl.ContextException | An exception raised by the Context system |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventDispatcherException | An exception thrown by the EventDispatcher system |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.impl.DispatcherException | An exception thrown by the Dispatcher system |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectionException | An exception thrown by the Injection system |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.MediationException | An exception thrown by the Mediation system |
strange.extensions.pool.impl.PoolException | |
strange.extensions.reflector.impl.ReflectionException | An exception thrown by the Reflector |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.SequencerException | |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.SignalException | An exception thrown by the Signal system |
strange.framework.impl.BinderException | |
strange.extensions.signal.api.IBaseSignal | The API that defines the use of a Signal |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.BaseSignal | The base class for all Signals |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.Signal | Base concrete form for a Signal with no parameters |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.Signal< T > | Base concrete form for a Signal with one parameter |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.Signal< T, U > | Base concrete form for a Signal with two parameters |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.Signal< T, U, V > | Base concrete form for a Signal with three parameters |
strange.extensions.signal.impl.Signal< T, U, V, W > | Base concrete form for a Signal with four parameters |
strange.framework.api.IBinder | Collection class for bindings |
strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinder | Interface for a Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder | A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands |
strange.extensions.command.impl.EventCommandBinder | A subclass of CommandBinder which relies on an IEventDispatcher as the common system bus |
strange.extensions.command.impl.SignalCommandBinder | A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands using Signals |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.EventSequencer | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequencer | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer | |
strange.extensions.context.api.IContext | A Context is the entry point to the binding framework |
strange.extensions.context.impl.Context | A Context is the entry point to the binding framework |
strange.extensions.context.impl.CrossContext | Provides the capabilities that allow a Context to communicate across the Context boundary |
strange.extensions.context.impl.MVCSContext | The recommended Context for getting the most out of StrangeIoC |
strange.extensions.mediation.api.IMediationBinder | Interface for the Binder which maps Views to Mediators |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.MediationBinder | Binds Views to Mediators |
strange.framework.impl.Binder | Collection class for bindings |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder | A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands |
strange.extensions.context.impl.Context | A Context is the entry point to the binding framework |
strange.extensions.context.impl.CrossContextBridge | A relay for events mapped across multiple Contexts |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventDispatcher | A Dispatcher that uses IEvent to send messages |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectionBinder | The Binder for creating Injection mappings |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.CrossContextInjectionBinder | A special version of InjectionBinder that allows shared injections across multiple Contexts |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.MediationBinder | Binds Views to Mediators |
strange.extensions.reflector.impl.ReflectionBinder | Uses System.Reflection to create ReflectedClass instances |
strange.framework.api.IBinding | Binds a key SemiBinding to a vlaue Semibinding |
strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinding | Defines the form of a Binding for use with the CommandBinder |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinding | The Binding for CommandBinder |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.SequenceBinding | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequenceBinding | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.SequenceBinding | |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.api.IEventBinding | Binding interface for EventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventBinding | A Binding for the EventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.injector.api.IInjectionBinding | The Binding form for the Injection system |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectionBinding | The Binding for Injections |
strange.extensions.mediation.api.IMediationBinding | Interface for MediationBindings |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.MediationBinding | Subclass of Binding for MediationBinding |
strange.framework.impl.Binding | A binding maintains at least two — and optionally three — SemiBindings: |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinding | The Binding for CommandBinder |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventBinding | A Binding for the EventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectionBinding | The Binding for Injections |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.MediationBinding | Subclass of Binding for MediationBinding |
strange.extensions.command.api.ICommand | Interface for Commands, which is where you place your business logic |
strange.extensions.command.impl.Command | Commands are where you place your business logic |
strange.extensions.command.impl.EventCommand | Subclass of Command with injections for dispatcher and events |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.SequenceCommand | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.EventSequenceCommand | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequenceCommand | |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.SequenceCommand | |
IComparer | |
strange.extensions.reflector.impl.PriorityComparer | |
strange.extensions.context.api.ICrossContextCapable | API for allowing Contexts to register across the Context border |
strange.extensions.context.impl.CrossContext | Provides the capabilities that allow a Context to communicate across the Context boundary |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.IDispatcher | A Dispatcher sends notifiations to any registered listener |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.api.IEventDispatcher | Interface for allowing a client to register as an observer |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventDispatcher | A Dispatcher that uses IEvent to send messages |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.api.IEvent | The interface for an event sent by the EventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.TmEvent | The standard Event object for IEventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.implicitBind.api.IImplicitBinder | |
strange.extensions.implicitBind.impl.ImplicitBinder | |
strange.extensions.injector.api.IInjector | Interface for the Injector, which dependencies into provided instances |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.Injector | Supplies injection for all mapped dependencies |
strange.extensions.injector.api.IInjectorFactory | Interface for the Factory that instantiates all instances |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectorFactory | The Factory that instantiates all instances |
strange.framework.api.IInstanceProvider | Provides an instance of the specified Type When all you need is a new instance, use this instead of IInjectionBinder |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventInstanceProvider | |
strange.extensions.injector.api.IInjectionBinder | A Binder that implements Dependency Injection in StrangeIoC |
strange.extensions.injector.api.ICrossContextInjectionBinder | |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.CrossContextInjectionBinder | A special version of InjectionBinder that allows shared injections across multiple Contexts |
strange.extensions.injector.impl.InjectionBinder | The Binder for creating Injection mappings |
strange.framework.api.IManagedList | A common interface for the constituents parts of a Binding, which at present are either a SemiBinding or a Pool |
strange.extensions.pool.api.IPool | A mechanism for storing and reusing instances |
strange.extensions.pool.api.IPool< T > | |
strange.extensions.pool.impl.Pool< T > | |
strange.extensions.pool.impl.Pool | |
strange.extensions.pool.impl.Pool< T > | |
strange.framework.api.ISemiBinding | A managed list of values |
strange.framework.impl.SemiBinding | A managed list of values |
strange.extensions.mediation.api.IMediator | Look at strange.extensions.mediation.api.IMediationBinder, where I explain the purpose of Mediation in detail |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.Mediator | Base class for all Mediators |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.EventMediator | A Mediator which injects an IEventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.pool.api.IPoolable | Interface for items that belong to a Pool |
strange.extensions.command.impl.Command | Commands are where you place your business logic |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.TmEvent | The standard Event object for IEventDispatcher |
strange.extensions.pool.impl.Pool | |
strange.extensions.command.api.IPooledCommandBinder | Interface for a CommandBinder that allows pooling |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder | A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands |
strange.extensions.reflector.api.IReflectedClass | Interface for representation of a class |
strange.extensions.reflector.impl.ReflectedClass | A reflection of a class |
strange.extensions.reflector.api.IReflectionBinder | Generates ReflectedClass instances |
strange.extensions.reflector.impl.ReflectionBinder | Uses System.Reflection to create ReflectedClass instances |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.ITriggerable | Interface for declaring a class capable of being triggered by a provided key and/or name |
strange.extensions.command.impl.CommandBinder | A Binder that triggers the instantiation of Commands |
strange.extensions.context.impl.CrossContextBridge | A relay for events mapped across multiple Contexts |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventDispatcher | A Dispatcher that uses IEvent to send messages |
strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer | |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.api.ITriggerProvider | Interface for declaring a class capable of triggering an ITriggerable class |
strange.extensions.dispatcher.eventdispatcher.impl.EventDispatcher | A Dispatcher that uses IEvent to send messages |
strange.extensions.mediation.api.IView | Monobehaviours must implement this interface in order to be injectable |
strange.extensions.context.api.IContextView | The ContextView is the entry point to the application |
strange.extensions.context.impl.ContextView | The Root View of a Context hierarchy |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.View | Parent class for all your Views |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.EventView | Injects a local event bus into this View |
MonoBehaviour | |
strange.extensions.context.impl.ContextView | The Root View of a Context hierarchy |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.Mediator | Base class for all Mediators |
strange.extensions.mediation.impl.View | Parent class for all your Views |
strange.extensions.signal.api.SignalExceptionType | |