StrangeIoC  0.6.0
The IoC/Binding Framework for Unity3D and C#
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strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequencer Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequencer:
strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinder strange.framework.api.IBinder strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.EventSequencer

Public Member Functions

void ReleaseCommand (ISequenceCommand command)
 Release a previously retained SequenceCommand. More...
new ISequenceBinding Bind< T > ()
 Bind a trigger Key by generic Type.
new ISequenceBinding Bind (object value)
 Bind a trigger Key by value.
- Public Member Functions inherited from strange.extensions.command.api.ICommandBinder
void ReactTo (object trigger)
 Trigger a key that unlocks one or more Commands.
void ReactTo (object trigger, object data)
 Trigger a key that unlocks one or more Commands and provide a data injection to that Command.
void ReleaseCommand (ICommand command)
 Release a previously retained Command. More...
void Stop (object key)
 Called to halt execution of a currently running command group.
new ICommandBinding GetBinding< T > ()
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from strange.framework.api.IBinder
IBinding GetBinding (object key)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided object.
IBinding GetBinding< T > (object name)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Key (generic)/Name combo.
IBinding GetBinding (object key, object name)
 Retrieve a binding based on the provided Key/Name combo.
IBinding GetRawBinding ()
 Generate an unpopulated IBinding in whatever concrete form the Binder dictates.
void Unbind< T > ()
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key (generic)
void Unbind< T > (object name)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key (generic) / Name combo.
void Unbind (object key)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key.
void Unbind (object key, object name)
 Remove a binding based on the provided Key / Name combo.
void Unbind (IBinding binding)
 Remove the provided binding from the Binder.
void RemoveValue (IBinding binding, object value)
 Remove a select value from the given binding.
void RemoveKey (IBinding binding, object value)
 Remove a select key from the given binding.
void RemoveName (IBinding binding, object value)
 Remove a select name from the given binding.
void OnRemove ()
 The Binder is being removed Override this method to clean up remaining bindings.
void ResolveBinding (IBinding binding, object key)
 Places individual Bindings into the bindings Dictionary as part of the resolving process More...

Detailed Description


Member Function Documentation

void strange.extensions.sequencer.api.ISequencer.ReleaseCommand ( ISequenceCommand  command)

Release a previously retained SequenceCommand.

By default, a Command is garbage collected at the end of its Execute() method. But the Command can be retained for asynchronous calls.

Implemented in strange.extensions.sequencer.impl.Sequencer.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: